King David's The Twenty-Third Psalm

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The Good Shepherd In the poem “The Twenty-Third Psalm,” King David, a former shepherd himself, beautifully depict the relationship between a shepherd and his sheep. The shepherd takes his sheep to green pastures, uses his rod and staff to guide and protect them. He saves them from harm and as long as the sheep stay near him, they have nothing to fear. A shepherd provides for and protects his sheep. King David in “The Twenty-third Psalm” uses imagery to illustrate how Jesus takes care of His children. “The Twenty-third Psalm” is a beautiful and powerful poem. The reader can see, through the description of a loving and caring shepherd throughout the poem, that King David describes how Jesus, being the shepherd, understands his sheep. In the…show more content…
When King David writes, “He maketh me to lie down in green pastures,” he paints the picture to the reader of how a shepherd cares for his sheep, taking them to green pastures. The reader can visualize the shepherd walking with his many sheep, looking for some green grass on which his sheep could graze. In the article “The 23rd Psalm: An Exposition on Its Meaning and Prophecies” the authors elucidate that, “Pastures used regularly by shepherds had a sheep stand where the animals could be herded when it was time to rest. A sheep stand was a fortified structure that had high walls and a large doorway where the shepherd would stand watch. However, such protection was not available when the sheep were taken afar to feed in green pastures. Therefore, the shepherd had to bring them together and make them lie down in a strange place. The sheep trusted that the shepherd would protect them while they slept.” (182). A green pasture is a symbol of abundance, nourishment and comfort. In the poem they lie down in green pastures to rest. So is with Jesus and His children. As they trust Him and follow His commandments, they are blessed, content, and can rest in His

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