How Is Mesopotamia Similar

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The great civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt are akin in many factors, such as their geography, polytheistic religions, and government; some inconsistent variables in two of these traits set them distant from each other. Opposed traits of their religions and governing phases throughout both Mesopotamia and Egypt show that both civilizations were awe inspiring yet individual in diverse ways. Even though the related events existed, peculiar discoveries and facts show that these cultures were sometimes worlds apart. The geography of the region of Africa where the kingdoms of Egypt existed and the region of Asia, where Mesopotamia was established, are matched with the fact of their water sources. Both Mesopotamia and Egypt relied heavily on the water source of their respective rivers. For the Egyptians, civilized life would not have existed in the region unless it was on the banks of the Nile; the annual flooding of the Nile brought fertile soil for the farmers to plant and harvest their crops in. The Nile was very important to trading and transportation in Egypt, because their crops were the main source of trade and wealth of the Egyptian people. Mesopotamia was twined with the Egyptians with their reliance on the two rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates. The two rivers…show more content…
The Egyptians went through extensive measures of mummification to preserve the body, mainly of important people, to ready it for the afterlife. Egyptians believed that there were two parts of the body of a human, the ka as in their spiritual being or soul and the physical body. If the physical body was properly mummified, then the ka would return to the body after it fled during the time of the death. Even though the Mesopotamians did bury their dead, they had no rituals to preserve the body. They did not believe in a ka coming back to reenter the
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