King Arthur Volupides Research Paper

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On October 13th at 1:15am Mr. Arthur Volupides was found dead by Ms. Queenie Volupides. He was found on the bottom steps of the staircase in the Volupides residence. Mr. Arthur was found on his back with his legs on the first three stairs. There was a cup found in Arthur’s left hand. Arthur wore a suit with a robe over it when he was found. There is a fatal wound to the back of his cranium. This is the injury that killed Mr. Volupides. The neighbors stated that “Ms.Queenie tore out of her house after a tiff with her husband, Arthur. She sped away in her mustang convertible.” Ms. Queenie stated that “She went to their country club for a party that was going on to celebrate the opening of their new golf course.”We were not give any information

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