How Did Comcast Join Public Social Networks?

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1. Why did Comcast join public social networks? What difference did it make for Comcast’s business? What might be benefits for a consumer? Comcast has understood the advantages of transforming itself into a social enterprise. By joining a social network, an organization can obtain the tools of social enterprise, which uses social media to enhance its business. This decision has allowed the company to comprehend the views of the customers and employees concerning its products and policies. The consumer is encouraged to use the social media to give an objective feedback regarding the company products. Consequently, the customer obtains a high quality product at an affordable price. The consumer, by using the social media, is able to obtain quick response from the company executives (Laudon & Laudon, 1). 2. What issues and challenges is the use of social network monitoring is supposed to solve or address at Generally, organizations are not able to comprehend the content of the conversation between the customers, employees, managers, and oversight agencies. Through social network monitoring, Salesforce is able to comprehend the nature of this conversation. Consequently, the organization is able to improve…show more content…
A few measures of social business impact are increased sales, enhanced conversation, improvement in transparency, and the ability of the organization to implement changes in its policies within a short span of time. The company’s success is measured in terms of its “share of conversation”. An enhanced share of conversation would imply that the company has been successful in improving its relationship with the consumers, employees and suppliers. It also implies that the company has the potential to enhance its profits in the long-term

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