The Bass And Sheila Mant Analysis

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I am reading “The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant” by W. D. Wetherell, and I am on page three. So far this story is about a young boy who lives by a lake and loves to fish bass. He is also infatuated with his neighbor Sheila. The boy finally gets the guts to ask Sheila out to a concert. When he goes to pick up Sheila, he realizes he has a large bass on his fishing line. The young boy doesn’t know if he should pick Sheila or the large bass. In this journal I will be questioning and connecting. I wonder if the young boy will choose Sheila or the bass. The narrator would choose the girl for multiple reasons. One of those reasons is because he is very fond of Sheila. The boy thinks Sheila is very graceful and beautiful. He also would pick her

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