The Vasa Museum Analysis

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1 Architecture The Vasa museum was constructed at a cost of 200 million SEK in the architecturally interesting capital of Sweden, Stockholm. (The Vasa Museum, 2014) In this part of the paper the focus lies on the awarded architecture of this unique building. In 1990, the Museum received the Kasper Salin Prize, an award only given to buildings “of high architectural standard”. (Sveriges Arkitekter, 2014) 1.1 Landscape The Vasa Museum is located in Djurgarden, which is one of the many peninsulas of Stockholm. Djurgarden is a peninsula with a large park area and several museums. Therefore, many tourists visit the island. On the map below you can see the location of the Museum in Stockholm. A nice touch is given by the fact that the island is surrounded…show more content…
This amount was necessary in order to protect the inside of the building from temperature changes and humidity (Dahlbäck, Mansson, Johansson, Koefoed-Jespersen, & Wang, 1990). Furthermore, the roof contains of 12’000 square meters copper-clad, which due to corrosion becoming the typical green colour of copper oxide (The Vasa Museum, 2014a). Additionally, parts of the building are covered in wooden panels. These are painted in dark red, blue, black, yellow and dark green. (The Vasa Museum, 2014a) Inside the building the architects decided to use 4’000 square meters of pine floor and 1’500 meters of paved stone floor (The Vasa Museum, 2014a). The ceiling and other unreachable parts are left as unpainted concrete, whereas the areas that can be reached by the visitors was puttied and painted in order to make it look more attractive and to make it more resistant. (Dahlbäck, Mansson, Johansson, Koefoed-Jespersen, & Wang,…show more content…
The roof is covered with copper-clad on which you see masts and yards. The highest mast reaches 52.2 meters from the keel, meaning it has the exact same height as the Vasa’s main mast. (The Vasa Museum, 2014a) 6: View on the copper roof (Sundberg, 1999) 1.6.7 Façade The façade of the museum building is dominated by the large copper roof, the masts and the yards. Other material that was used are concrete walls and wooden panels. When arriving at the entrance, the concrete walls dominate the view combined with the black entrance doors. 1.7 Details This part of the paper specifies the energy efficiency of the building as well as the influence of the climate on the structure. It also specifies whether there is a link to other work of art or not. 1.7.1 Techniques In order to preserve the ship in a high quality, the building needed to be constructed with a good insulation, which was given by the cast on site concrete. The density of the material helps to have no leak for humidity. The metal framed insulation windows and the airlocks on the doors additionally help to insulate the building. (Dahlbäck, Mansson, Johansson, Koefoed-Jespersen, & Wang,

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