Julius Caesar Character Analysis

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Julius Caesar; the Catalyst for all Character’s Actions Murder, war, depression, chaos. All of these actions were caused because of Julius Caesar's existence in Shakespeare’s play, “The Tragedy of Julius Caesar.” Shakespeare's play was first performed in 1599 C.E., centered around the story of Julius Caesar, the dictator of Rome who was conspired against and killed by senators in Rome's capital on the Ides of March. The play mostly follows the events that occur right after Caesar returns to Rome after his victory over Pompey, as well as the meetings between the conspirators and their attempt to obtain Brutus in their cause. An act is dedicated to the fateful day that Caesar was betrayed and murdered, and then the ensuing war that occurs following…show more content…
Julius Caesar was known for his favor among the common folks of Rome. In actual World History, Caesar was good to the people, and he used his popularity among them to help maintain power without fear of a peasant revolt. His popularity among the people is highlighted in the play in scenes such as where the soothsayer tries to warn Caesar of the Ides of March, when Artemidorus tries to warn Caesar of the conspiracy, and the numerous occasions when Caesar is cheered for and celebrated by the citizens of Rome, such as in the opening scene of play. Although he was favored by the peasants of Rome, Caesar was very prideful and arrogant, believing that he was all powerful, almost like an immortal God. This, paired with the disfavor of him among the senators, ultimately lead to his death. Caesar first rejects the soothsayers warnings in the beginning of the play, and later, even after his auguers and his wife Calpurnia played him to not leave for the capital, it only takes flattery of his great power from Decius to push him to leave. Caesar wanted to become king, which he believes that he deserved as he thought of himself as the most powerful man in the world. Decius also told him that the Senate may not offer him the crown again if he did not come to the senate house, which helped lead Caesar to make his decision to leave his house. Ultimately, Caesar decides to head to the Capital, regardless of both the Soothsayers and Artmedidour’s warnings, mocking them before heading to the senate

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