Journalistic Professionalism Analysis

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The purpose of the following assignment is to analyse and compare two countries on their journalistic professionalism, as outlined in Comparing Media Systems: Three Models of Media and Politics (Hallin & Mancini, 2004) to understand the difference of their professionalization levels according to the chosen characteristics. The task includes a thorough analysis on dimensions of professionalization of both countries, one from the western and other from non-western worlds, followed up with the discussion part to provide relevant conclusions in respect to the theory provided by Hallin & Mancini (2004). Hallin & Mancini (2004) refer to journalistic professionalism as a form of systematic knowledge or doctrine obtained in professional training (degree)…show more content…
The characteristics of the model described by Hallin & Mancini (2004) are proven by the data provided by reports of 2013 – having “Free” press status, scoring 20 out of 100 on press freedom (0=best and 100=worst) (Canada | Freedom of the Press 2013, 2013). The report states that the constitution of Canada of 1982 guarantees freedom of expression and freedom of the press. The government’s legal restrictions are used only for purposes of “ending discrimination, ensuring social harmony, or promoting gender equality”, also including hate speech, which is prosecuted by law in case when the offender is proven to engage in it publically (Canada | Freedom of the Press 2013, 2013). The government regulates media ownership, as well as the state of media, by the means of Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission, which takes care of issues related to competition, ownership concentration, and vertical integration. As the concentration of media ownership is roughly divided by four large corporations: Bell, Shaw, Rogers, and Quebecor Media Inc., which prove no evidence of high political intervention in these media conglomerates (Canada | Freedom of the Press 2013, 2013). According to the three dimensions, Canada scores high on freedom and autonomy, media ownership, as well as vertical integration (mediation between political elites and ordinary citizens), are controlled by Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission which ensures low levels of instrumentalization, as well as political

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