Jonestown Massacre Research Paper

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Jonestown Massacre The Jonestown Massacre was a mass murder although some people call it a mass suicide. The Jonestown Massacre occurred November 6th 1978. This was the second worst non-natural disaster ever with the Holocaust at number 1. Over 900 innocent people died and 276 of them were children. Jonestown was established to be a utopia by the reverend Jim Jonestown in Guyana, South America. Jonestown was more of a prison than a utopia. The people of Jonestown were not allowed to leave. It was surrounded by armed guards. Jonestown consisted of members from the Peoples Temple a religious group. In Jonestown the conditions were harsh with most people working in the hot and humid climate for over eleven hours. There was not a single phone in the town. The only way of contacting someone in the states would be through the leader and founder of Jonestown. Jim Jones was something else. He was very hypocritical. Jones founded Jonestown to get away from the U.S. and it’s government, yet Jonestown was almost a dictatorship. Jim Jones was the dictator. Jones was an alcoholic and a drug addict. Jones tried a Jonestown in the U.S. but it did not work out so he moved to a remote location in South America.…show more content…
The people were not free to leave so Jones knew he was in trouble. Jones forced the people of Jonestown to rehearse the congressman’s visit. He was not willing to let anyone from Jonestown to leave to the United States. When almost fifteen people wanted to leave Ryan knew that there was something wrong. When Ryan and the people wanted to leave got on the plane members of the Peoples Temple shot at the planes. All but four people died. Jones thought that the U.S. would seek revenge so he forced the people of Jonestown drink Cyanide infused grape flavored punch. People had no choice but to drink the

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