The House On Mango Street Research Paper

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Although there are various themes in The House on Mango Street one of the two I will be focusing on is coming of age. Esperanza is a part of the community in and one of the only forms off courage that’s enough to exceed her conditions. In comparison to many adolescents, Esperanza has a hard time finding herself as a person, she has a very perceptive observations regarding many women around her neighborhood and in her mind set believes that one day everything woman are going though she will one day go through as well. She is surrounded by sexuality, myths and superstitions and like the rest of the world is very curious. In reference to “Hips,” the young Esperanza thinks of the concept of women having hips and the question: “The bones just one…show more content…
Autonomy. Esperanza’s aspirations are obvious: she wants to leave her barrio and live in a house of her own. Her intentions are always on her mind, but as she begins to mentally develop and becomes wise with responsibilities, the yearning for men appears in her thoughts as well. At first, the desire to escape and the desire for men don’t seem mutually exclusive, but as Esperanza observes other women in the neighborhood and she observes that other women marriages that bind them, she begins to doubt that she can pursue both. Most of the women Esperanza meets are either trapped in marriages that keep them on Mango Street or tied down by their children. Esperanza decides she does not want to be like these women, but her dire observations of married life do not erase her sexual yearnings for neighborhood boys. From the start of the book Esperanza realizes that men and women live in “separate worlds,” and that women are nearly powerless in her society. There is a constant conflict between being a sexual being and keeping one’s freedom, as most of the female characters are slaved both by abusive husbands and clingy children. Esperanza comes to recognize this dichotomy as she is caught between her own budding sexuality and her desire for

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