John Stuart Mill's The Subjection Of Women

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For century’s women worldwide were denied of any rights as contributors to society and solely given the obligation to fulfill their moral role as a homemaker. Women did not have the right to vote, have an education, and nonetheless work outside of the home to contribute to her family’s income. It wasn’t until 1920 in the United States, when women gained the right to suffrage. This change didn’t come easy. It was the result of endless marches that included thousands of women united in efforts to change the inequality between sexes. Women had the opportunity to prove themselves as labor workers for the first time during the shortage of men who were drafted to fight in World War I. They ultimately proved their role as a contributor to society during that time of need which resulted…show more content…
He was part of the British Parliament and during the time he proposed a petition for women’s right to vote. He was actively seeking to gain women the right to equality. John Stuart Mill wrote “The Subjection of women.” He expresses that the belief that a sex has less power and authority and considered inferior to the opposite sex is reasoned as wrong and that it only imposes an obstruction to human advancement. More importantly, he makes a key point when he compared the role of women to be similar to that of a slave. He goes on to say that the husband not only wants the part of the “slave” that takes care of the labor work at home but that he also wants to have the slave’s love and attention and for her to show obedience towards him, such as a slave master wants obedience and absolute control over a slave. Mill was very much invested into seeing change in regards to women. He advocated for women in marriage so that they would have the ability to divide the powers in the home with her husband and eventually repel the idea that the man has ownership over everything, including their own

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