John Newton's Amazing Grace

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The original version of “Amazing Grace” was a traditional hymn written in 1779. The song was written by John Newton and was about his deliverance to Christianity. John Newton was a slave trading captain at the time. In March of 1748 he was sailing along the Atlantic and got caught in a huge storm. The storm was destroying his ships for days and he stopped to think and surprisingly Newton said “Lord have mercy upon us”. The cargo had slid and covered up the hole and allowed the ship to drift to safety. Newton started to reflect upon this experience that it was god who answered him with grace. Newton started to transform his life around by going to church, praying, attending bible study, and also sharing his religious ideas with his crew. Newton eventually became a pastor and created the song “Amazing Grace” for weekly church service (Diane Severance). “Amazing Grace” is such a popular Christian song because it was written in the period of the Enlightenment, period of reasoning and education for explanation instead of religion, so its impact would be strong to the Christians because they weren’t able to practice their religion freely. It was also a time of slavery and the slave song spirituals like these to stay uplifted and…show more content…
Elvis was born and raised in a Christian family so he has always been closely affiliated with Gospel music. Before he moved to Country music he did Gospel and even continued when he became a Country artist (“Elvis Presley Sang Gospel”). Elvis version of “Amazing Grace” almost mimics the lyrics of the original version. He took out a few verses and added one of his own. The recording of Elvis version with a piano, background singers, and his distinctive baritone voice gives a modern feeling of the church setting. This cover of the song and the original hymn are very similar message and persuasion appeals but differ in style to change the song for a more modern

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