John Baker In A Shining Season By William J. Buchanan

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I read , A Shining Season, by William J. Buchanan. I thought that this was an excellent and relatable book. This book was about the story of John Baker, a professional runner from the 1960s. I am very involved with competitive running myself and could relate to the main character, John Baker, very well. Now before I tell you how I can relate to the story, and what I thought of it I want to give you some background information on John Baker. John was an amazing runner from whenever he started in middle school up until he died at the age of 26 in 1970. He was on his way to the olympics, and breaking the 4:00 minute mile, when he was diagnosed with testicular cancer. After more tests he was told he had been living with the cancer for over two years and that it was too far along to be beaten. He had about six months left. John beat out the cancer partially, he lived more than six more months on sheer determination; but, then his time finally came. His cancer had spread up to his lungs and brain.…show more content…
His friend John Haaland was supposed to be the star of the cross and track team. John, a mediocre runner like myself, defied everyone. He went out his first race and not only beat his best friend John, but he got first place. Then in high school something for him clicked yet again and he became one of the best runners of his time. He was on his way to national glory. Not only could I relate to him running wise, we are similar academically and with our general personalities. Baker would strive for A’s and perfection, and for everyone to like him, which they

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