Humans may be the smartest creatures on earth: able to create gargantuan buildings with architecturally sound foundations. We may even be able to create life lengthening inventions that allow us to live twice as long, but there are animals with capabilities that far exceed our less than average limits. It seems as if though we have lost our edge, if we ever had one. From our warm spongy skin to our thin brittle nails we stand defenseless against possible predators, our only saving grace being our
Introduction As a diver explores a coral reef, she comes across a beautiful bright yellow fish with a patch of dark blue by its tail. As she watches on, she sees the fish eating a bit of sea sponge. With some research, the diver finds out that this fish is the one and only rock beauty angelfish, a fascinating fish that deserves a closer look. Appearance The adult rock beauty can be identified by its bright yellow body and a patch of dark blue or black toward the tail. The tail itself is a bright