Jay Gatsby's Materialistic Ideology

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Jordan Alloway Ms. Dubofsky English 11 - F 31 October, 2014 King Midas In chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby's materialistic ideology highlights the corruption of his American Dream, futilely, believing Daisey can be won over with money. Since the initial meeting between Nick and Jay, Gatsby’s focused on renewing his love life with Daisey. The issue with Gatsby’s motives are that Daisey has moved on in her life and started a family with Tom. Despite the facts, Gatsby still insists on pursuing his longtime love, believing he can win her back over with his opulent lifestyle and money. While in a suite to escape the heat in the Plaza Hotel, Tom becomes tired of Gatsby’s flirtatious gestures towards his wife and mocks Jays speech choice. Gatsby then…show more content…
Gatsby says, “She never loved you, do you hear me? She only married you because I was poor and she was tired of waiting for me. It was a terrible mistake, but in her heart she never loved anyone except me” (Fitzgerald 130)! With, “do you hear me?” Gatsby’s exclaim represents his position of desperation in realizing his dreams are crushed. “Do you hear me!” implies that Gatsby wants more than anything else for himself to actually think Daisey still loves him. When Gatsby says Daisey only married Tom because he himself was poor and she did not want to wait- he wants to believe that Daisey has and never will honestly love Tom. Gatsby needs self assurance to the fact that she only wanted Tom for his money. Gatsby goes on to state that Daisey “made a terrible mistake” and that she “never loved anyone else but him”. The current Gatsby can always acquire more money, however, since Daisey truly loves Tom, Gatsby know that he cannot change this fact. Therefor, he continuously denies her love for another man. Gatsby’s American Dream; to

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