James Kimler Case Summary

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News stations are routinely faced with the complicated decision of whether or not they should air a story, which could have a devastating impact on a person’s life. In Idaho two local stations competing for the number two spot in their market were faced with the decision weather to air the James Kimball story. I understand that the nature of this story centered on a registered child sex offender working in a position of authority with children would grab the public’s attention and boosted ratings, but if I were the news channel director I would not have aired it. I believe is the responsibility of a news station to inform the public, especially when this information concerns their health and safety. But is also the responsibility of the network to present the whole truth, not just the sensational bits that boost ratings. As a rule parents should be informed if their child is in the presence of a…show more content…
It was true that James Kimball was a registered sex offender, but the charge was brought against him thirteen years earlier, and subsequently dismissed; meaning a judge had ruled that he was not a threat to society. James was only registered as a sex offender due to a technicality, he had been working at Idaho Ice World without any incidence, and he had made no effort to hide his registry from his employers. So in this case the only thing that the news stations were working against was whether or not another news station would report the story first, which is a problem, but I believe it is more important for the station to take that extra day to make sure the facts are straight because this story had the power to

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