Ivan Denisovich

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One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich was a novel written by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Solzhenitsyn wrote this book in 1962 in regards to the gulag system in Soviet Russia. This was a fictional novel that sparked a lot of controversy in its time. Gulags of that time were also known as prisons or, like in this story, Soviet Labor Camps. Solzhenitsyn wrote this book because he knew what the gulags were like from a firsthand encounter. He was put in one for writing something bad about Stalin. In regards to the book, the argument put forth here is one about how terrible the legal system was in Soviet Russia under Stalin’s reign. The thesis of this story was to inform us on the brutality showed in the gulags and the intense labor the inmates were…show more content…
One Day, takes the account of one man’s time in the prison camp and the brutality he can suffer. Ivan is a Russian that was taken from his family in 1941 and was put in the labor camp. He has been in this labor camp for about 8 years now. Ivan awakes one morning feeling ill, normally he is first to wake but at this time he feels feverish and achy and doesn’t get up. The Tartar, a campgaurd, yanks off his blankets and punishes him for not waking on time. Shukhov and the Tartar walk to a guardhouse where Tartar makes him clean the floors as punishment. This was a much easier punishment compared to other inmates have dealt with; Shukhov was relieved to find out this was his only consequence. After cleaning the floors he heads over to the mess hall for breakfast. From the description from the book, there were too many inmates for how much room the prison could actually hold. He recalled how inmates had to stand in aisles, and many of them had barely any room to eat their meal. Shukhov was feeling ill earlier so he goes to the doctor to find out if anything is the matter. He finds out that he has no temperature and makes his way back to his hut. When he is back at the hut one of the disciplinary officers comes to do a room search. He is known for brutally whipping people who are out of line. This shows that the guards are very strict and will punish the inmates for even the smallest infractions.…show more content…
He doesn’t really say it in a complaining manor but more as an informative way showing how they actually treated the inmates. Solzhenitsyn incorporates hidden meanings behind how he describes the officers and the punishments the inmates have to go through. He doesn’t come out and just say what their lives are like he just describes it in a calm manor through Ivan’s view point. This book advanced my knowledge by giving me a view point of Russia during Stalin’s reign. It showed that many of these men were put in prison for no reason and were forced to stay there for a majority of their lives. Some of the weaknesses of the book could be how it drags on. The author’s argument is discreetly hidden through the book and is hard to pull from the storyline. Describing only one day of one man’s life doesn’t really show much of how these prison camps were. If there were more viewpoints from different men then the story could have been more intriguing. The story fell short in that aspect because it didn’t give any depth to anyone other than
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