Ishtar Gate Of Babylon Research Paper

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Created around 575 B.C., the Ishtar Gate of Babylon was built during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II. During his tenure, Nebuchadnezzar II planned to beautify his city; He dedicated the gate to the Goddess Ishtar. Along with the Ishtar gate, he reconstructed the Temple of Marduk and a palace with the Hanging Gardens, which Herodotus claims to have been one of the wonders of the world. The city of Babylon, notorious for their destruction of Jerusalem, was a very rich and prosperous country, however their captivity of the citizens of the Kingdom of Judah made them feared but powerful nation. Having a Sumerian culture they were a polytheistic religion with chief gods: Anu, god of heaven; Enlil, god of the air; and Enki, god of the sea. The citizens of Babylonia centered their religion practices mostly in temples with different types of priests and celebrations, meaning the architecture for this city was of importance to them. The 47 foot gate was built with as the main entrance of the city of Babylon, covered with glazed blue tiles and engraved with 575 bulls, dragons, 120 lions and flowers that ran across the whole gate that symbolized the gods Marduk, Adad. The roofs and doors were made of cedar and had inscriptions containing prayers from Nebuchadnezzar II. The gate gave the city a prosperous view for…show more content…
As the goddess of war, Ishtar represented success, strength, and protection for the city of Babylon. As well as goddess of love, she resembles the beauty and pleasure for the city. She was praised by the citizens expecting to receive her light for the city. Nebuchadnezzar II, King of Babylon, son of Nabopolassar, wanted to dedicate the gate to Ishtar by covering the gate with blue and yellow tiles to represent the glory of the goddess and inserted bulls, dragons and lions to symbolize the gods Marduk and Adad to show the gates strength and symbol, representing the virtuous

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