Intimate Partner Violence Case Study

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Challenges of being in a Violent Relationship Raising a Child Sometimes the violence experienced in an intimate relationship can affect the relationship between the victim (the mother) and their baby. Researchers found that women who were in an abusive relationship and had a baby with that individual sometimes feared the safety of their child, and they would experience emotional and verbal abuse (Buchanan, Power, & Verity, 2014). In addition, these women who had babies with their partner were exhausted from the expectations to be the perfect housemaid and mother, being talked down to while trying to raise their baby, the abuse, and no support from partner, according to results of a study conducted with about sixteen women who gave birth to…show more content…
So, individuals in a domestic violent relationship may stay in the relationship because of how they perceive the abuse and may think that they can handle it, so they stay in the situation. Some young adults and teens have noticed the unequal power balance between them and their partner but also have seen their partner as someone who has supported them, according to researchers (Brown, Brady, & Letherby, 2011). So, individuals who are in violent relationships may stay in their relationship because of the support that the individual receives from their…show more content…
In addition, some of the past findings have consisted of women who have left an abusive partner which means the findings may not be able to be generalized to women who are still in their abusive relationship. In addition, some of the ways the information was gathered for past studies on relationship violence were based on personal accounts and stories of women’s personal experiences (through interview); and information that has been gathered has mainly been on self-reported measures. It may be beneficial for future researchers to gather information from data from individuals who know the victim, data from more diverse population of age and racial background, and from individuals who are in different phases of their relationship (such as: in transition to leave abusive partner or has already left the abusive
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