Interactions Between Shinto And Buddhism

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Interactions between Shinto and Buddhism Not much is written about the relationship between Shinto and Buddhism. Shinto itself has been somewhat overlooked throughout history. It is an old religion, with its roots in prehistoric Japan. It has been speculated that the animist tribes of Japan formed local groups of people, who all worshiped the same way and had the same beliefs. These cults grew into the religion that today is known as Shinto. Buddhism, on the other hand, was formed much later around 600 BCE by Buddha, a former prince who reached enlightenment. He spread his new ideas throughout India and gathered many followers. After his death, Buddhism spread north into China and eventually into Japan. This is where Shinto and Buddhism first interacted. Shinto and Buddhism have both had very complex paths throughout history, and they will both have complex paths into the future.…show more content…
Shinto was being practiced in Japan at the time by a majority of the people, and Buddhism was being practiced in China. Buddhism traveled to Japan via Chinese and Korean immigrants who migrated to Japan. The Japanese generally welcomed the new religion and some stopped practicing Shinto and started practicing Buddhism. It also helped the spread of Buddhism that the missionaries that were visiting the island nation were well educated and smart, so these traits were associated with anyone who practiced Buddhism in the minds of the Japanese. As time went on, Buddhism overwhelmed Shinto and became the main religion of Japan. Both religions, however, experienced syncretism and adopted certain ideas and practices from one another. For example, a Shinto war god known as Hachiman took on Buddha-like qualities after Buddhism was introduced. In present day, the syncretism is much

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