What I Lived For Wendelden Summary

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There is no guide to living life properly. Sure, a book on Ebay might suggest a few things, but there is little limitations. It’s all about making it worthwhile. In chapter two, Where I Lived, and What I Lived For, of Walden by Henry Thoreau, Thoreau describes that life should be appreciated and enjoyed to the full extent. Wendell Berry’s essay, The Idea of a Local Economy, argues the exploitation from corporations of resources and countries, and explains how a local economy will benefit small businesses, farmers, and citizens. When compared and contrasted, these written pieces are oddly similar, but also distant from one another. People shouldn’t spend the rest of their lives confined by what society wants and accepting the norm. In chapter two, Where I Lived, and What I Lived For, of Walden by…show more content…
They both agree on having a target, realizing the impact of what people can do, and most people are only followers. Thoreau’s piece says that people should focus on a few important problems at a time, and give up those that only generate stress. In Berry’s essay, he states that citizens should focus more on prioritizing the local needs first. Thoreau also explains of having to acknowledging one’s greatness, and live “deliberately as Nature.” The Idea of a Local Economy describes that the local economy can be accomplished by neighborhoods and support. If neighborhoods can recognize what is important to them, they will learn to appreciate and support their community. Berry believes that corporate behavior and citizens under their influence, oversimplify environmental problems that make it seem less serious than it really is. Thoreau complements Berry’s view by stating that one in a million people can mentally think intelligently, while the rest can only produce physical work. Both pieces flatter each other, and gives it meaning, but they are not

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