Importance Of Physical Punishment In The Philippines

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As part of their natural development, children sometimes challenge or test parental and adult authority. Sometimes children simply choose to misbehave in order to gain something, may it be attention, an object, power, or peer approval. This is a significant part of the growth process of children, yet it should not be without consequence. Parents should discipline their children in order for them to learn right from wrong and acceptable from unacceptable. Of course, there are a lot of ways to discipline children. In our case, parents in the Philippines discipline and punish their children through the use of corporal or physical punishment in the following forms: spanking with hand, pinching, hitting with an object, twisting the child's ear, pulling the hair, or confinement in a sack. This has become a cultural norm of disciplining children in our country; a tradition that started way back with our ancestors. But in our society today, a lot of people expressed their dislike for this particular disciplining style. Studies,…show more content…
According to the study, which was published in the journal Pediatrics, nine-year-olds who were spanked at least twice a week by their mother at age 3 or 5 are much more likely to break rules and act aggressively than children who weren't spanked. Corporal punishment instills fear rather than understanding. Even if children stop tantrums when spanked, that doesn't mean they get why they shouldn't have been acting up in the first place. What's more is corporal punishments set a bad example, it teaches children that aggressive behavior and violence are the solution to their parents' problems and that hitting other children is

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