Importance Of Camp Sumatanga

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Camp Sumatanga, is my favorite place on earth. It is the only place here I can think about any and everything. It is a place where God can talk to me. Life seems easier, life here is happy. No worry, no hate, no stress. I deal with judgement. I feel that I have been judged by others, That I have to be someone I am not. But Camp Sumatanga is a place I can relax and not worry about what clothes I wear,and what my hair is like. I don’t worry about these things because, i know that God does not care what I look like, but what I do for him. There are a lot of other teenagers there. I have made more friends in a week there. More than I have could in a year. I have made more connections with God than I could if I did not go there. At…show more content…
Like love is all you feel, like you just have to sit there in ho. You cannot not be happy. You just have to love everyone. I can not think of one time that I was not happy. I can not think of a time that i have not felt safe, like God was looking out after me. The way I feel about camp is that it is mighty to be my forever home. When camp is over I cannot imagine going home. Camp is my home. Camp is the only place I can be me. The only place I can really connect to God, To people. This is why I love camp Sumatanga, is my favorite place on earth. It is the only place where I can think about any and everything. It is a place where God can talk to me. Life seems easier, life here is happy. No worry, no hate, no stress. I deal with judgement. I feel that I have been judged by others, that I have to be someone I am not. But Camp Sumatanga is a place I can relax and not worry about what clothes I wear,and what my hair is like. I don’t worry about these things because, i know that God does not care what I look like, but what I do for him. There are a lot of other teenagers there. I have made more friends in a week there. More than I have could in a year. I have made more connections with God than I could if I did not go

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