Imperforate Anus Case Study

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ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Imperforate anus is a defect that is present from birth (congenital) in which the opening to the anus is missing or blocked. In female infants, imperforate anus is typically characterized by the rectum, bladder and vagina sharing one large opening called a cloaca. The condition develops in utero during the 5th to 7th weeks of pregnancy. This condition often happens in conjunction with other defects of the rectum. Incidence is 1 in 5000. It is more common in males. Diagnosis is usually made shortly after birth. AIMS & OBJECTIVES: To study the presentation of imperforate anus using various radiological modalities. METHODS: 10 cases of either strong suspicion or symptoms related to imperforate anus were evaluated…show more content…
Medical Institute and Research Centre, Waghodia, Vadodara. Study design: Type of the study: An Observational, Descriptive Hospital Based Study. Sample size: 10 patients Selection of subject: Inclusion criteria: Patients referred by the clinician from our hospital and from outside, to radiology department of Dhiraj General Hospital in a time span of 6 months with complaints suggestive of imperforate anus and other positive findings are included in the study. Study protocol 10 patients were evaluated, which presented with complaints of non passage of stool since 24 hours, abdominal distension, excessive crying and passage of stool through any other opening than anus. Proper diagnosis of imperforate anus was evaluated by plain radiograph lateral invertogram, contrast studies (MCUG), erect radiograph and cross table lateral radiograph . DISCUSSION • In the patients that are included in this study , plain radiograph lateral invertogram, cross table lateral radiograph, erect radiograph and contrast studies (MCUG) were studied and incidence of imperforate anus and fistulous tract formation was evaluated in…show more content…
Abdominal radiograph • Can be variable depending on the site of atresia (e.g. high or low) , level of impaction with meconium and physiological effects such as straining. • May show multiple dilated bowel loops with absence of rectal gas 3. Prone cross table lateral radiograph • Provides equal or sometimes better information, compared to the invertogram, for demonstration of the level of rectal atresia in neonates. • Its advantages are - easy positioning, better cooperation of the patient, elimination of the effect of gravity, and better delineation of the rectal gas shadow. • The infant would be placed in a prone position with the hip flexed and elevated up to 45 degrees. The radiographic center was placed around the greater trochanter. A radiologic marker was routinely placed at the perineal area where there should be anal dimpling.  Fluoroscopy - contrast study • To detect recto-vesical, recto-vaginal or rectoperineal fistula. • The fistula is considered low (below levator ani plane) if it is below the pubo-coccygeal line and considered high fistula if above the pubo-coccygeal line. In this radiograph, MCUG demonstrates a fistula between the posterior urethra and the

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