Ignorance In Sophocles 'Oedipus The King'

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Humans are predisposed to be egotistic; it is a human fault, although is through no fault of the individual. People use their own senses to compose their own realties. One cannot include his friend’s point of view into his reality because it is simply not his to begin with. The mind is consumed with thoughts that are produced from the experiences of an individual. This creates a natural inability to see (blindness) in each and every person. People are naturally blind to the trillions of other psyches that compose their species. This accounts for an array of discrepancies in human interaction due to the incapability to be completely aware of another person’s thoughts. The subject of human blindness is a major theme of Sophocles’ “Oedipus Rex”. People’s motivations are generated by their circumstances and they are sometimes put in a position where their blindness causes them to make…show more content…
Throughout the story Oedipus rejects all council. People from a variety of social standings and expertise try to warn Oedipus that the conquest he is ardently pursuing will come back to tarnish his own reputation. In this case Oedipus is blinded by his own vanity. He is completely unwilling to see that anyone else’s advice could be better than his because he is the king and was able to outwit the sphinx in order to save the city. For example, his wife Jocasta pleads “For Heaven’s sake, if you care for your own life, don’t seek it!” to which Oedipus callously responds “I will not hearken not to know the whole”. In the beginning of the story Oedipus tells the people “None entertain him, none accost him…Evil, in evil he may pine and die” (Sophocles 11) referring to the punishment that will be dulled out to the person who caused the plague in Greece. This is ironic because he is the person who will be affected by this crime. All the ironic comments and actions he takes are reflective of the fact he doesn’t know the
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