Ian Brady Murder Case Essay

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In the 1960’s the bodies of three children were found buried in the Saddleworth Moor. After examination it was determined that the bodies of the three children were sexually abused and tortured before they were executed. Their methods of execution varied 17 year old Edward Evans was killed with an axe, another Lesley Ann Downey was strangled at the age of 10. These acts shocked the public when the bodies were discovered. Later after details were published police were tipped off to Myra Hindley and her lover Ian Brady by Hindley’s brother-in-law. At trial, both Hindley and Brady maintained their innocence, claiming that the other was the one who killed the children. However during the course of the investigation, police discovered a suitcase with nine photos and a recording.…show more content…
The recording was thirteen minutes of audio where Ms. Downey could be heard screaming and pleading for her life. At the end of the trial, Ian Brady was found guilty of three counts of murder, and Myra Hindley was found guilty of two counts of murder and one count of accomplice to murder. While awaiting trial the death penalty had been abolished in England. In 1966 both Hindley and Brady were sentenced to life imprisonment. Hindley who had earned the title of “The most evil woman in Britain” was the first woman sentenced to life in prison in modern England. Later both Hindley and Brady would confess to the three murders and an additional two murders that police had suspected them of. Soon after her confession Hindley began a campaign to secure her parole, however public outcry was so fierce that no magistrate did grant her parole up until her death in 2002. Thirty six years after her initial conviction Myra Hindley was so despised that the prison had to travel 200 miles before they found a funeral home that was willing to cremate her body

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