Hurricane Galveston Research Paper

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During the 1900’s, a massive hurricane struck the Galveston Coast causing a large amount of damage to this important coastal area. Not only did it cause significant damage to the port but to its inhabitants as well. It brought everyone together regardless of skin color and social class. Everyone lost something that day no one escaped and the entire city was in devastation. This hurricane caused the nation to think about future disasters and taught us to better prepare for the next worst storm Mother Nature has to throw. One hundred fifteen years later this unexpected storm is still considered to be one of the greatest natural disasters in the history of the United States. Following Texas’ independence from Mexico and its annexation by the…show more content…
The weather bureau used to receive its reports from Cuba. The weather bureau officials based in Washington D.C, headed by Willis Moore, Grew tired of Cuban meteorologist. They looked down on their weather reports and noted them to be alarmist. Amongst the men who were worked for the Bureau headquartered in Galveston would be Isaac Cline. “Isaac Cline was the chief of the U.S. Weather Service bureau in Galveston during the 1900 Storm”. (Lutz). Cline loved climatology growing up and never ceased to be amazed by the weather itself. When Cline was working for the Weather Bureau in Galveston he believed no storm could be strong enough to damage The City of Galveston. According to Isaacs storm a tropical storm hit in the year of 1891. The Galveston news tried to get Isaac to believe that Galveston was in fact quiet vulnerable to such bad weather. Isaac then replied with “The opinion held by some who are unacquainted with the actual condition of things, that Galveston with at some time be seriously damaged by some such disturbance, is simply an absurd delusion.” (Larson16). Hurricanes of the Gulf of Mexico by Barry D. Keim, stated that Isaac “believed that the broad, shallow slope of the Gulf bottom offshore and the extensive marsh lands on the inland margins of Galveston Bay helped make the city less vulnerable to really destructive storm surges.” Friday September 7, 1900, It was stated in Isaacs Storm, by Erik Larson and Isaac cline himself, that throughout the night Isaac and his best friend Joseph, who lived with Cline at the time, could not sleep due to the feeling of “impending disaster”. Throughout the night Isaac heard the crashing of waves hitting the wooden stilts under his home. “If Isaac lay very still, he could feel the shock waves climb the stilts of his house...” (Larson8). Joseph stayed up the night to record weather observations with the instruments on the roof of a

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