Humor And Occupy Wall Street Summary

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“Oh, it’s a funny movement” Levity is defined as humor or frivolity, especially the treatment of a serious matter with humor or in a manner lacking due respect. In the article Humour and Occupy Wall Street, the author Angelique Haugerud, discusses the use of levity in social movements, focusing on occupy wall street. This paper will examine whether or not this article effectively communicates Humor and satire are ways to cut tension and frustration, while also boosting the moral of activists. Through “culture jamming”, a form of political satire can disrupt political branding messages. (Haugerud, 2013). The article talks about how these strategies are used in an attempt to make the occupy movement as effective, and meaningful as possible. Talk about the different kinds of humour that were talked about . Gets peoples attention…show more content…
The first example is the “Yes Men”. These people created a public demonstration, where they dressed as clowns, and attempted to climb on the wall street bull. Just a few blocks down the street, other activist were dressed as toreadors, and jumped on top of police cars. The message of this demonstration was “no more bull, occupy wall street.” Although that was the most theatrical example, there was a second example of levity in the occupy wall street movement. The author talked a lot about specific events of “political culture jamming.” The first example given, was during a fundraiser for Mitt Romney, protestors dressed up in fancy clothing, and waved place cards that read “Cooperation’s are people too.” While Chanting “we’re here, we’re rich, get used to it!” These examples of humour were very real parts of the occupy movement. They were used to send out a message, and get attention from the public. The public doesn’t ignore a bunch of clowns climbing on a famous statue in the middle of Wall

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