Hugo Van Der's The Fall

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‘The fall’ by Hugo van der goes, a medieval age painter portrays the myth of Adam and eve with the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This painting is used to visualize parts of chapter 2 and 3 of Genesis. The myth of this chapter of genesis is another creation story. In this one God creates the world with all the things are necessary to humans then creates the man out of the dirt of the earth to live in this perfect place so called the Garden of Eden. He then creates a Woman out of the man’s rib to keep him company. They have to obey one rule in this garden to live in this place to not eat out of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil as god commanded to man: ’you may freely eat of any tree if the garden; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in…show more content…
The Adam and Eve myth has several different insights. The main insight of the myth is a message of warning to do the right and to obey god word by word. The consequences of not following god’s word are harsh. There was a mention of four rivers in chapter 2. Two of the rivers were fictional and two were non-fictional. The fictional rivers had gold; bdellium and onyx stone but are lost due to Adam and Eve’s action, which suggests that there is a great loss by disobeying god. The serpent has several meanings to it. It can suggest that it is a metaphor for ‘Evil human nature’ so that the snake was something deep inside humans. The serpent also suggests being a test from god because if god created all matter he would of created the serpent for a specific reason. It also can suggest being a symbol for past evil people such as the Babylonians or the Egyptians. This myth is defiantly a warning for people reminding them that they are in paradise and should not make the wrong decision to make it disappear. Hugo van der used a very popular renaissance painting technique to draw the viewer’s attention to particular

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