Huck Finn's Death Analysis

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Huck’s death serves a few different purposes. First off, Huck is finally free. He is not under the guardianship of Widow Douglas or Miss Watson. He does not have to become a civilized young man as they hoped to make him out to be. Huck will not have to live under a roof with hypocritical Catholic values even though he does not address a particular organized religion. Also Huck is away from his mean, drunk of a father, Pap. Pap no longer has the power and control over Huck to determine his outcome in life. He will not be able to leech off of Huck’s money and lock him into a cabin anymore. Huck can be who he wants to be. Huck meets Miss Watson’s Jim on Jackson’s Island. Jim is on the island because he is an escaped slave. Prior to the “death” of Huck Finn, Jim overheard the lady talking to a man about how much Jim was worth down the Mississippi. He was worth eight hundred dollars. Miss Watson did not particularly want to…show more content…
Jim said it was a sign it was going to rain” (Twain 45). In chapter nine the bad luck was confirmed when it began to thunder, lightning, and rain hard on the island. Another example of superstition appeared in chapter ten as Huck tested Jim’s belief of bad luck, “You said it was the worst bad luck in the world to touch a snake-skin with my hands. Well here’s your bad luck! I wish we could have some bad luck like this every day, Jim” (Twain 52). Huck and Jim discovered eight dollars in the dead man’s coat and Jim said it was not a good idea to take the money. The bad luck came later in the chapter when Huck ran into a snake and killed it but laid where Jim sleeps. When they came back that night to rest, another snake was there and bit Jim’s foot. Although Huck just then remembered that once you kill a snake, their mate comes to find them, he thinks Jim’s superstition was

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