How To Write A Rhetorical Analysis Of Winston Churchill's Speech

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“War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength” –Winston Churchill. Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was a British politician, he was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom twice; once from 1940 to 1945 and once again from 1951 to 1955. World War Two started striking and Adolf Hitler, the Chancellor of Germany and the leader of the Nazi Party, started attacking country by country in Europe. On May the 13th in 1940, Churchill entered the House of Commons as the Prime Minister of Britain. He presented his speech to persuade Great Britain’s government to let them start thinking of setting war against the Nazis. Winston Churchill presented the speech himself; first person narrator. Churchill addressed all the members of the House but mainly he was addressing his majesty himself.…show more content…
Churchill went straight to the subject he wants to talk about and it can also be seen when he said ‘’ you ask, what is our policy? I will say it is to wage war, by sea, land and air. With all our might…’’. A person often follows leaders that have charisma even when they disagree with their positions, Churchill did use a lot of charisma; this made the audience have trust and confidence in him. The speaker uses also uses a language that is full of intensifiers including superlatives and comparatives; Churchill wants no other alternative for this situation other than to set war against the Nazis. ‘’I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat’’, this metaphor popularized the speech, Churchill’s point of mentioning this graphic metaphor is that he will do whatever it takes to assure that Britain doesn’t fall under the Nazi control even if it takes him to lose blood, toil, tears and sweat; he uses the parallelism technique because he wants this sentence to be in remembered by all the

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