How To Introduce Your Grandmother Essay

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I interviewed my grandmother named Pushpa Patel. My grandmother was born on January 12, 1940 in India. She came to U.S on November 17, 2008. She used to live in Ahmedabad, India but because of economic she had to come to U.S with her husband. My grandmother is 77 years old now and very happy with her her choice of coming to U.S. She now lives in an house with her oldest child, their 2 kids and her husband Ravi Patel in New Jersey, Woodbridge. My grandmothers favorite thing to do when she is board is to read my grandmother really loves reading, her favorite thing to read is about god and religious things. In 2008, my grandmother moved from India to U.S. She was 67 years old when she came in U.S. She used to work at a farm but after coming to U.S she took extra classes and became an electrical engineer in 2 years. My grandmother choose New Jersey because they knew that there family that lives in New Jersey will support them in all conditions. She did not stay in India because they could not afford the house they had, so for better opportunities they had to move to U. S and after she moved she became an engineer, she now owns a house and 3 cars in New Jersey. In all, my grandmother made a good choice to settle in before it…show more content…
Later landing in U.S she realized not lots of people are indians and it was hard to communicate. When she first landed her first word was “it's so cold”. She felt the cold air clung against her chest. My grandmother felt very good in America because everything was clean and neat as she had pictured. “ I really like clean places and U.S is the best place”. My grandmother was treated very nicely, she was living with her cousins but after few years her oldest child was called from India to U.S and as an whole family they took a big house and now living happily ever. In all, my grandmother loves U.S and is not thinking of going

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