How Homosexuality In Julie Maroh's Blue Is The Warmest Color

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In Julie Maroh’s book Blue is the Warmest Color, the author illustrates the life and reality of a young teen, Clementine, who is beggining to notice she has feelings for women as a lesbian, and is contemplating revealing her secret by coming out to her family and friends. Coming out is a process that happens after you believe you are attracted to the same sex or have different sexual prefences than the normal heterosexual relationship. By acting on your true feelings, you admit to yourself that you are different. In this research paper, I will be focusing on lesbian stereotypes, family views and how people are treated once they decide to reveal their sexual gender type by coming out. In todays world, most women who hide their feelings for the same sex are in denial due to rejection, and choose to hide their sexuality by dating or marrying a man. Throughout the book, Clementine tries to keep her feelings to herself for numerous reasons. In the beginning she does not know exactly what is wrong with her and what do these feelings mean she is having. Secondly, her family views being gay…show more content…
At the end of the book, Clementine becomes extremely depressed once Emma kicks her out for what seems to be infidelity. Causing her to constantly “take more and more medication that wound up giving her an Arterial Pulmonary Hypertension” (Maroh 144-148). In order for women to consider therapy it needs to provide support, give something different their partner can not, respect, a sense of safety, for it to benefit the clients. Therapy for lesbians is intended to help them realize if they are truly homosexual rather then heterosexual. While also helping them notice some of the other affects that can come from either hiding or having already came out to their friends and more importantly

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