How Does Sayuri Nitta's Memoirs Of A Geisha Relate To Feminism

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Through the Marxist lens it is evident that the protagonists in memoirs of a geisha by arthur golden and the death of a salesman by arthur miller exemplify and even promote capitalist ideals. Sayuri Nitta (Chiyo sakamoto) and Willy Loman strive to achieve the life they’ve always dreamed of, but it is Sayuri who is more effective in obtaining social power by using her hardships and obstacles to her advantage instead of reminiscing through the past and is more successful in the journey to transcend social classes. Sayuri Nitta obtains her social power by learning the way of being a Geisha. In willy’s case, he works day in day out as an outdated salesman. His job allowed him to be somewhat successful in the past but it is no longer effective. Willy’s inability to grow from…show more content…
But in a Eastern society, such as the Japanese culture, the lifestyle of a Geisha is committed to art and beauty. In the book “Memoirs of a Geisha” we are able to see the transformation of the main character Sayuri, who was a poor girl that was taken into the Geisha house and was used as a slave but then became one of the most successful Geisha of their time.“But now I know that our world is no more permanent than a wave rising on the ocean. Whatever our struggles and triumphs, however we may suffer them, all too soon they bleed into wash, just like watery ink on paper” (428). This quote is significant because it is the last thought left to the reader. The line gives us an illustration of Chiyo’s thought on life. She experienced many obstacles and difficulties through out her career of a geisha. Chiyo is trying to tell us to keep working hard and know good things will happen when you put the effort. Sayuri was a poor girl living in a fishing village but through precerverance and hardwork she made herself to be one of the most famous geisha, gaining social and capital power by just working hard and never giving

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