Character Analysis: A Son's Return

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Benjamin Li Ms. Hinch ENG2D1 December 16, 2014 The Best Moment of Our Lives Do you ever return back somewhere where you belong yet you feel scared or out of place? Returning home from long period of time away might be overwhelming or even frightening, especially when meeting family and friends you have not seen for some time. In A Son’s Return, Arnold is viewed as the trouble-maker who left his family on their own, but returns with warm welcome for his family with his wife. In contrast, the boy in Blue WInds Dancing is described as the native boy who questions himself who he really is, only to return back to his family in time for Christmas with gifts after a long journey across America. Although the return home affected their lives, it has…show more content…
Their actions have impacted them upon their return home. Arnold is a character that is considered ruthless and violent. Before leaving his family, he would do countless foolish things such as not finishing school, leaving bullets on train tracks to disrupt people asleep, and painting goats. "Did you see the mangy goat in the yard? He used to paint it up like a zebra, like a giraffe, like heaven knows what! [...] And you know what else he used to do? Put bullets on the train tracks” (Jakubans 2). As shown above, Arnold was a character who shows free will that leads him leaving his family. However, Arnold’s return home has impacted his actions, by bringing a circus and his wife for his mother. The gifts and surprises demonstrate forgiveness for his family…show more content…
In return, he showed how much he has matured and changed. From a trouble-making boy to a matured loving man, his actions have definitely impacted upon his return home. On the other hand, the boy in Blue Winds Dancing is a Native American character who often questions himself against society. Without knowing how he left his family, he goes on a journey back to his family in time for Christmas across America. Throughout his journey, he shows care for his family by spending and saving his money for presents: “I spend the day cleaning up, and buying presents for my family with what is left of my money. Nothing much, but a gift is a gift, if a man buys it with his last quarter” (Whitecloud 4). With the quote shown above, the boy shows initiative spending his money on presents, even if it uses up all his money. Very similar to Arnold’s situation, both characters attempt to amend their ties with their family and people. Anyhow, the boy was overwhelmed when he gave his family the gifts and he had a feeling of belonging. The presents represent his devotion to his life and family after all he has gone through in his life. After all, “the family is one of nature’s masterpieces” -George Santayana. All in all, both characters actions have impacted consequent to their returning. Secondly, Arnold and the boy in Blue Winds Dancing have similarities and differences in their feelings when they returned home. Firstly, Arnold was a character who ran away

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