How Does Hancock Use Camera Angles In The Blind Side

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“The Blind Side” is a 2009 American drama film based on an extraordinary true story directed by John Lee Hancock. The film took place in Memphis, Tennessee. Leigh Anne Tuohy and Sean Tuohy took in a homeless teenage African American boy, Michael Oher, known as Big Mike. Michael has no idea who his father is and his biological mother is battling with drugs and alcohol addiction. The Tuohy family takes charge with Big Mike and soon became their adopted child. The family gives Michael a welcoming and loving home and hires a tutor to help him improve his grades to the point where he would be qualified for an NCAA division 1 athletic scholarship when he expressed his interest in football. Hancock uses film techniques such as different camera angles, flashbacks, voice over and colloquial language to convey that success in life is often closely related to the opportunities we are given, and what we do with them.…show more content…
Throughout the film, Hancock uses different camera angles. One of the camera angle that was used most of the time was the average angle. There were different angles used for different parts of the movie to show emphasis and importance on certain parts. For example, Hancock used the long shot in the scene when Mike and his friend were playing basketball at The Wingate Christian School to draw attention to Big Mike’s size compared to the other boy who was also his age. Close up was another camera angle technique that was often used in the movie to show the characters emotions and feelings. In the car crash scene of Big Mike and Sean Tuohy Jr. (SJ), Hancock focused the camera on them fooling around and singing along to the song instead of the road to address to the audience the idea that something bad would happen to both of them. The use of camera angles are important as it reflects mood and tension, to create a strong relationship between the characters and

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