How Does Color Affect Mary Dennett

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Furthermore, Dennett argues that Mary would learn nothing if it was true that she already knew all the physical information. He presents a scenario in which the people that had confined Mary in the black and white room try to trick her when she steps into the real world. They show her a blue banana with the hope that she will be fooled into thinking blue is yellow, but since Mary knows everything about color she is not fooled. She recognizes that it is a trick, since bananas are yellow, but they're showing her a blue banana. The natural question that comes to mind after hearing such a scenario is how is it possible for Mary to know if she is seeing blue or yellow when she never saw them before? Dennett's response is that Mary already knew "exactly what physical impression a yellow object or a blue object (or a green object, etc.) would make" on her nervous system, and the thoughts that would come with that impression (60). Knowing all the physical information would allow Mary to know what the specific reaction or experience for each color is, and not be fooled or surprised by any color. This seems to be extremely difficult to imagine though, and Dennett admits this, but he argues that Jackson's premise of "some one knowing absolutely everything physical" about color calls for this…show more content…
Dennett's counter-thought experiment is equally implausible, since it requires us to imagine something almost impossible just like Jackson does. It asks us to believe that Mary would be able to know what each color is like without any experience with color. The natural and logical response to this seems to be that it's extremely improbable for anyone to know the experience of seeing color without actually seeing color. It's not impossible, but Dennett provides no real reason for us to believe in its possibility, except that Jackson's appeal to imagination through the idea of "all" requires

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