How Does Captain Jaggery Show Abuse

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Standing by and watch abuse unfold - mentally and physically - makes you no better or lesser than the person doing so. In fact - it could make it worst. Bystanders do not condemn it or condone it, but silently stands by on the sidelines. In The True Confessions Of Charlotte Doyle by Avi, there are several that choose to stand by and watch others get abused, whether it be mentally or physically, it does not matter, it is abuse, nonetheless. Hollybrass stood by, only to watch Captain Jaggery abuse his power. And Charlotte, stands by with tears in her eyes, to witness her friend be discriminated against. And lastly, but not in anyway the least, the crew, on the otherhand, is a first hand witness of sexism, against one of their very own - their…show more content…
When Hollybrass stands quiet, Jaggery spats, "I have no desire to speak to any of you again . . . Mr. Hollybrass here, as first mate . . . shall be my voice . . ." (31) Captain Jaggery shows poor leadership, as he refuses to speak directly to his crew, but rather have Hollybrass be the mouthpiece of the fool - Jaggery's very own puppet - instead of directly talking to them. Hollybrass, however, does not speak up or oopose to this - and makes no gesture to correct Captain Jaggery's leadership behavior. Furthermore, during the mutiny, Hollybrass blindly follows Jaggery's orders - turning his back on the crew - due to the fact Jaggery is his 'better'. This is regarding to when Jaggery barks orders at Hollybrass, and as expected Hollybrass obeys, "The first mate scurried down the step, while glancing up, began to…show more content…
Jaggery, at the trial, spouts accusations and sexist, snide comments against Charlotte, and the crew does not even utter a sound to her defense. When Jaggery is accusing Charlotte, Charlotte describes, "He turned to the crew, 'Does anyone wish to make a statement on this girl's behalf?' No one spoke" (177). The crew knew Charlotte, as her friend. But yet, when the spoitlight was on them, they looked at anything, anywhere, but her. Refused to defend her - just as Jaggery had wanted. They stood by, and watched Charlotte get downgraded. Additionally, as the trial dragged on, Charlotte is being hit by verbal abuse from Jaggery - the crew did not even give a look in her direction. As Charlotte stands trial, Jaggery spats, "So we have in you, Miss Doyle,' the captain pressed on, 'an unnatural girl, dressingin unnatural ways, doing unnatural things, owning the very knife that killed Mr. Hollybrass. And Mr. Hollybrass was the man you disliked for flogging your particular black friend -" (177). These absurd, ridiclous accusations and false statements were being tossed at Charlotte's feet, piling up by the second. And alas, the crew - did nothing. Calling her 'unnatural', for being a girl, and not one of her friends spoje up in her defense. Likewise, the trial continues on without any protest from the crew. On and on, the more sexist Jaggery is towards Charlotte, and the more and more

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