How Does Beowulf Reflect Anglo Saxon Values

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Beowulf is a very well-known example of epic poetry that reflected the customs and traditions of the Anglo-Saxon society, which lasted from about 410 to 1066. Not only gold, but treasure, gifts, amour, coins, etc., could be looked at as a symbol of wealth during the Anglo-Saxon time period, which also reflected their social class divisions. The society relied heavily on the giving and receiving of precious treasures that defined affluence and also showed the king’s feelings of deference and thankfulness towards his warriors. For example, after Beowulf won the battle against Grendel’s mother, the great hero said “For this, this gold, these jewels, I thank / Our Father in Heaven, Ruler of the Earth / For all of this, that His grace has given me” (Beowulf line 816). Hrothgar, the knowledgeable and aged King of the Danes, was constantly presenting Beowulf with treasure for his heroic acts and was therefore known as “the great ring-giver” (line 32).…show more content…
This is particularly evident in the courageous Beowulf, because his integrity and loyalty saved King Hrothgar’s country and people. Not only is gold used as a kind of motive for the warriors to complete heroic acts, but also represents one’s legacy because the heroes were traditionally buried with their treasure. When Beowulf met his death, “the Geats built the tower, as Beowulf / Had asked, strong and tall, so sailors / Could find it from far and wide” (line 843), which served a type of memorial, honoring the great

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