How Did Salvador Dali Influence On War

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Jonathan Sayres Art Appreciation 101 12/16/14 In this world there are many forms of art and many ways to express it. One subject that has inspired men and women since the beginning of human history is war. The tragedies and horrors of war have inspired some of the most poignant pieces of art. The art that is created during war is probably some of the most important that there is; not only is it a snapshot of history, but it is also a window into the souls of those affected by war. Art depicting war is not always created during war sometimes do to circumstances it’s created afterwards. Survivors of war use art as a way to express themselves and to make sure that it never happens again. This kind of art teaches people today about what war…show more content…
He was born on May 11, 1904 in a small town in Figueras, Spain. Salvador Dali attended the San Fernando Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid. He gained recognition early in his life when he did his first one man show in Barcelona in 1925. Dali soon became the leader of the surrealist movement with his painting known as The Persistence of Memory. Dali and his wife managed to get out of Europe during World War II, he and his wife arrived in the United States in 1940 and they spent the next eight years there. These eight years were very important for Dali because in 1941 he had his first major exhibit in the Museum of Modern Art, the following year his autobiography was…show more content…
Dali’s Face of War is an interesting look into how Dali himself felt and viewed the subject of war. When you look at the painting for the first time what strikes a person the most is how different it is and then you read the title and it makes sense this is what the suffering of war looks like. The many little faces symbolizes how war multiplies the suffering and anguish felt by the innocents caught up in madness. It is clear that there is only one meaning behind this painting and it is death on a massive scale the kind that only a Civil war can bring. Our own Civil War was the bloodiest war in our history and it also has the highest mortality right in our history. It is plain to see that Dali only saw war in way as pain, destruction, and death. I can only imagine the suffering he must have felt when he created this piece knowing that his home was being torn apart by war. There is nothing uplifting about this piece and that’s the point it shows the darkest aspect of human nature. In war people seek answers for why such pain and agony surrounds them this painting was Dali’s way of seeking truth. It is his attempt to bring order to the chaos of his suffering

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