Kepler's Accomplishments During The Renaissance

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Following the middle ages Europe saw a great interest in the old learning’s and values of ancient Greece and Rome. They made new technological advances like a printing press and also new system of astronomy. Then there was the discovery and exploration of new continents and was joined by philosophy, literature and also art. Art was a big part of Italian society during the renaissance, some famous figures like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael. These famous figures would be known around the world to this time period as some of the greatest artists in the word. The Renaissance began in Italy and then spread across Europe, during this time period Europe believed in a Christian religion that rose to power and brought them out of darkness. This brought all of the European continent together. This then gave power to the Holy Roman Catholic Church which then they began to…show more content…
He was educated at Tübinger Stift University in Mathematics and Astronomy, he also studied Greek and Hebrew. He was taught by one of the leading astronomers Michael Mastlin. Kepler had a deep love for astronomy and that gave him inspiration, in fact one of his first accomplishments was Copernican system, which became a major influence in his life and work . One of his key inventions he made was the Keplerian Telescope invented by Kepler in 1611. It uses a convex lens as the eyepiece. The Benefit of this Design is that the rays from the light coming from the sun, was reflected from the eyepiece and came together. This allowed a much bigger view and less eye tension, but the image for the viewer is inverted. There was much more magnification that was reached with his design. According to Wikipedia “Kepler used a 46-meter (150 ft) focal length, the design also allows for use of a micrometer”, this allowed the person using the telescope to determine the angle size and distance between the telescope and the

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