How Did Mentuhotep Develop

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The first 11th Dynasty ruler to gain control of upper and lower Egypt was Nebhepetra Mentuhotep II (2055-2004 BCE), who succeeded Nakhtnebtepnefer Intef III (2063-2055 BC). Mentuhotep’s most substantial political achievement was the reunification of Egypt, and the feat was so impressive that he adopted the name “Unifier of the Two Lands.”His accomplishment was recognized by the ancient Egyptians. Numerous private tombs contain inscriptions that celebrate his role as the founder of the Middle Kingdom. In the last few years of his reign, prosperity was evident in Egypt due to the resurgence and advancement of art initiated by Mentuhotep. Mentuhotep’s bloodline is unclear. Among many rock carvings on the cliffs of Wadi Shatt el-Riga, a relief sculpture shows a massive statue of Mentuhotep II. Mentuhotep II is portrayed as a towering figure over a line of his three kings labelled “Intef”, suggesting that Mentuhotep II may be…show more content…
Mentuhotep II ruled the Theban Kingdom for fourteen years before a civil war between Herakleopolis and Thebes erupted. As the Herakleopolitan leader Merykara died, Herakleopolis fell to the Theban government. Mentuhotep’s victory over the last Herakleopolitan leader provided Mentuhotep with an opportunity to reunite Egypt. Yet, there is evidence of savagery at the Tomb of the Warriors at Deir el-Bahri, which Mentuhotep built to honor sixty soldiers who died in a particularly heroic, but, tragic battle. The reunification of Egypt was not a single event but was the result of years of fighting. There is proof of hostility before unification because inscriptions showed administrative officials wielding weapons, and common people dying en masse (in a mass or a plethora of people). As Mentuhotep’s rule continued, these violent images began to decline, signifying the stability of Mentuhotep’s rule. In Mentuhotep’s later years, peace and material prosperity

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