How Did Langston Hughes Affect Society

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While Langston Hughes changed the way society viewed poetry and slavery and Vladimir Kush established the surrealist theory in his paintings. Mr. Langston Hughes (1902-1967), was a lonely child and he found pleasure in reading books. He was raised by his grandmother, until he was twelve. In 1914, he moved to Lincoln, Illinois. When he moved to Illinois he started to write poems. He wrote his first poem in 8th grade. He later moved to Cleveland, Ohio. He was a great student in his studies. Langston Hughes was voted as class poet and edited the yearbook. After finished High school, Hughes traveled to Mexico, Europe and Africa, as a freight worker. In 1924, he moved to Harlem, New York, and became one of the most important figures during the Harlem Renaissance. He kept on writing poems until he died at the age…show more content…
Langston Hughes is making a connection between African and American living under slavery time. A slavery system that involved nightmares, abuse and cruelty. In every letter of the poem it’s a feeling of darkness in every moment of the life. Suffering through the time by time. . As a Negro writer his main message is to unite white and black people together. Black as the night is black, Black like the depths of my Africa” He has not been afraid to say “I am a Negro.” Not matter who was around him, he was not afraid to stand up to those who were abusing and using them as slaves. In every letter of the poem it’s a feeling of darkness in every moment of the life. Suffering through the time by time. However, at the same time, gives the inspiration to the present living African-American, who their ancestor were slaves. . As a Negro writer his main message is to unite white and black people together. Black as the night is black, Black like the depths of my

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