How Did Jfk Influence The Civil Rights Movement

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John F Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States of America from 1961 until his assassination in 1963. Kennedy became the youngest man and the first Roman Catholic to become president. He was born into one of America’s wealthiest families and took advantage of an elite education and a status of a military hero into a successful run for Congress in 1946 and for the Senate in 1952. Kennedy delivered federal support for the growing Civil Rights Movement. What pushed Kennedy to be an active leader for Civil Rights? Although John F Kennedy became a significant figure in supporting the Civil Rights Movement, Kennedy voted against Eisenhower’s 1957 Civil Rights Act. The act protected the Negro right to vote. Kennedy made it clear in his speeches later on that he was a supporter of civil rights, “today, we…show more content…
Therefore, Kennedy voted against the bill, as he wanted a Civil Rights bill to be passed under his hopeful presidency. What impact did John F Kennedy’s presidential campaign have on the Civil Rights Movement? The Civil Rights Movement was a major issue by Kennedy’s 1960 presidential campaign. John F Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy personally intervened with Martin Luther King Jr’s arrest whilst leading a protest. Kennedy phoned the wife of King, Coretta Scott King, to voice his concern. Meanwhile, the judge released King because of a phone call from Robert Kennedy. Martin Luther King Sr publicly endorsed the Kennedy’s because of this. This resulted in more than 70% of African Americans across the nation voting for Kennedy and delivering the winning margin in several states. African Americans had high expectations when Kennedy took to office in January 1961. What did John F Kennedy do to advance the cause of civil rights? Kennedy put pressure on federal government organisations to employ more African

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