How Did Cortes Contribute To The Greed Of The Americans

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Europeans sparked with greed following the discovery of rich materials such as gold and silver in the American continents and the advancement of the civilizations in Mexico and Peru. Spain had been particularly interested and had been the ones to discover America through the findings of Columbus in the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 along with Portugal. Starting the chase for God, glory and gold, the Conquistadores travelled through the Caribbean and sailed towards the American Lands. Additionally, the Spanish conquistadores conquered the cultures within Peru and Mexico. As the greed of the Europeans continued to radiate, resources were gained such as silver during these conquests, occurring during the crushing of the Incas in Peru by Francisco Pizarro. This prompted the price revolution in Europe. The economy was heavily changed by the sudden flood of rich materials that the consumer cost was increased by about five hundred percent in one hundred years after the mid-sixteenth century. This sudden influx of precious metals was known to be the impetus required for the creation of Capitalism and the spark of rapid economic growth.…show more content…
Cortes’ journey would prove to be unique in the way that the Aztecs welcomed Cortes rather than defend themselves against him. They believed Cortes to be the God of Quetzalcoatl since he arrived on horses and appeared heavenly, applying to the Aztec legends. Cortes made his way to the city of Tenochtitlan where he saw his greed for gold pulsate from his body. Cortes sieged the city after the warfare of June 30, 1520 and gained three centuries of Colonial rule for the

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