Obstacles In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Although Lennie and George encounter a series of obstacles, there's still a chance to achieve their dream because they are optimistic and determined like no other. First, one huge obstacle they faced was money. They needed money to buy a farm for them to live on, which was their dream. Yet their problem was fixed due to the fact that they had another partner to join in to help with the cost. As illustrated in this part when Candy overheard Lennie and George discussing their dream. In chapter 3, after hearing about the farm he jumped in and was willing to join in on their dream. George didn’t really want Candy to be apart of their dream until he started talking about having already half the payment of the farm. For example “Tha’s three…show more content…
Since they got their new job, they should have a guaranteed long lasting job. Towards the end of chapter 3, Curley started beating up Lennie to look all tough and to change the topic between himself and Slim. By grabbing curley’s fist to defend himself, Lennie crushed Curley’s hand. Curley had what was coming and he now knows not to mess with Lennie, also to not speak of anything that happened or the truth about him will come out. For instance, “ Curley nodded. “Well then listen,” Slim went on. “ I think you got your han’ caught in a machine. If you don't tell nobody happened, we ain't going to. But you jus’ tell an’ try to get this guy canned and we’ll tell ever’body, an’ then you will get the laugh.” “ I won't tell” said Curley” (page 91). This illustrates, that Curley isn't gonna expose anything that happened because he knows his reputation depends on it. Furthermore, having a stable job to make money was an obstacle that got in their way, but now it shouldn't be a problem to them anymore. As long as it aint a problem they can carry on making money to achieve their…show more content…
Since Lennie was a bit slow, he had a tendency of getting them in trouble and creating more problems than they needed. However, after clearing everything up about Lennie they know he really means no harm. So if anything were to happen they wouldn't be chased out, making them start from square one. In chapter 2, George has an honest conversation with Slim about the truth about Lennie and why they left their last job. After telling everything, he understood how Lennie will mess up because he is a bit slow and he knows he means no real harm. For example, “He’s a nice fella,” said Slim. “Guy dont need no sense to be a nice fella. Seems to me sometimes it jus’ works the other way around” (page 60). This explains, that Lennie isn't a big obstacle anymore. He will still mess up sometimes but he can't help it and that's okay because they know he is slower yet is still a good person. In addition, as long as someone is in understanding about Lennie, they won't have to worry too much about him; leaving more room to worry about achieving their dream with less obstacles to
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