Honest Iago In Shakespeare's Othello

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A good villain has the right demeanor, ruthlessness, or the methods to accomplish their goals. In Shakespeare's Othello, Iago is definitely the villain of the play. Iago's character is the most skillful and manipulative character in the play. Iago is a wonderful villain because he gains other's trust, he takes advantage of his peers' flaws, and intentionally causes the deaths of his partners in crime, all in order to achieve his goals of revenge. The main weapon Iago used to become the best villain was trust. Iago knew exactly what to say to certain people to get them to believe what he said over anyone else's word. It is ironic that Iago was given the nickname "Honest Iago" (Act 2, Scene 3) in the play because he is the most dishonest character. He is able to get many people like Roderigo, Othello, and Cassio to confide in him and give him information that they would not give to anyone. Iago was able to hide his true intentions for most of the play and was able to still be considered a friend to the main characters until the very last scene. Iago did a brilliant job using trust to demolish his enemies, this is why his character is the most skillful and manipulative character in the play.…show more content…
He is able to take advantage of Cassio by getting him drunk and then Iago was able to take advantage of the Duke to get Cassio kicked out of being lieutenant. Iago takes advantage of Othello by planting the seed in his mind that Desdemona was unfaithful then planting fake evidence to prove him that it was true. Lastly, Iago is able to take advantage of Emilia by convincing her to steal Desdemona’s handkerchief, “What handkerchief? Why, that the Moor first gave to Desdemona, That which so often you did bid me steal.”(Act 3 Scene 3). Iago was able to take advantage of every character in the play making him the most skillful and manipulative character in the
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