Homestay Issue Case Study

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1.0 Introduction The case is about the Homestay Issue. Esmeralda Evida is an international student who has just arrived from South America to commence undergraduate studies at the University of Adelaide. She has been living with a homestay family for just over two weeks and has enjoyed it so far. However, three days ago the mother and the son had a fight. The son came home and yelled at his mother and she yelled back. The fight continued for some time. Esmeralda went into her room and tried to concentrate on her studies but couldn’t. The homestay mum has apologized and reassures her that it won’t happen again. Esmeralda would like to move to a different place but she has already paid 3 month’s accommodation in advance and doesn’t feel confident to tell the host mother that she would like to move.…show more content…
She can talk or send an extension mail to the teacher with her acceptable evidence, or make an extension at least 2 days before the deadline. Besides, if she has anything confusion or question about the schoolwork, she can ask her teacher and classmates. If she has difficulties about the teamwork, she would talk to other group member and ask for help. She can also write an e-mail to the Academic matter service in Student care. Show her situation and ask for a recommendation. Contact with Student Care: Ground floor, Lady Symon Building, North Terrace, Adelaide Uni; Phone: 0883135430; Email:; Web: 2.1.2 Psychological Issue Esmeralda is an undergraduate student; maybe she is only under 18 years old, generally. The fight between landlord mom and son might frighten her very much, and the shock of the fight still exists. She is worried that happen again, and always in a low spirit. So she has to solve the psychological problem. There are two solutions for her: a. Write blogs on the UniThrive b. Consult with a psychological

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