Holden Caulfield Alienation

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J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye shows that alienation can be a form of self-defense and can affect you in a negative way. Things such as excluding yourself from the world around you and not confronting your actual feelings can make you feel worse and worse the more you deny your feelings. Although some may be quick to deny these qualities, they are not all inaccurate as some people perfectly exemplify these qualities. Holden Caulfield, the Protagonist and Narrator, starts talking about his story and says that he does not want to talk about his whole life and how he only wants to talk about the crazy things that happened to him around “Last Christmas” before got sent away to go “take it easy”. He then starts his story out by talking about his departure from his school in Pennsylvania, Pencey Prep. He is full of disregard for the school but still tries to look for a way of saying “goodbye” to the school. As he talks to his fellow students in Ossenburger Hall, where he lives, Holden reveals that he “despises phonies,” or…show more content…
Although he acknowledges that Allie was intelligent and nice, he never talks about his emotional reaction to Allie’s death. “He was terrifically intelligent … But it wasn’t just that he was the most intelligent member in the family. He was also the nicest, in lots of ways … but outside of that I don’t care much(Pg. 43-44).” Instead of facing how he really feels about Allie’s death, he chooses to ignore it. He even refers to things he did the night Allie died. “I slept in the garage the night he died, and I broke all of the goddam windows with my fist, just for the hell of it(Pg.44).” Holden did this to try and cope with the death of Allie but does not acknowledge how he really feels about it to try and make himself feel

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