Historical Document Analysis: U. C. A. Hodgepodge

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The historical document I chose for this assignment is an editorial titled “U.C.L.A. Hodgepodge” from the October 31st, 1934 issue of the Stanford Daily. The Stanford Daily is the official student run newspaper for Stanford University. It is published 5 days a week. According to the papers official website, “The paper began as a small publication known to locals as the “Daily Palo Alto” for the city that Stanford University calls home” and has been in publication since 1892 (Stanford Daily 2015). The article in question is an editorial in response to the dismissal of five students by Provost Ernest Moore for alleged radical (read: communist) activities and associations. The purpose of the article is to express disapproval over the decision…show more content…
Murray (1964) explains that the first red scare lasted for two years, from 1919 until 1920. It was characterized by intense patriotism and suspicion surrounding anything remotely viewed as related to communist activity. The penalties for individuals deemed “radicals” could be severe with many facing deportation and arrest. In 1919, known radicals Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman, among many others labeled communists or communist sympathizers, were deported to the newly formed Soviet Union (Shulman 1998). The government took great action to eliminate what was seen as an impending communist threat, even stripping some legal immigrants of their citizenship. Shulman explains, “to render Goldman eligible for deportation, the government revoked her acquired citizenship… [and then] Goldman, Berkman and 247 other ‘Reds’…were deported under the 1918 Alien Exclusion Act” (1998, p. 31). Roughly thirty years after the first, a second red scare surfaced in the US again, bringing with it another period of intense scrutiny and harsh penalties for those associated with

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